I am GREATER THAN not failing

I recently got the chance to help with mock interviews for Purdue Pharmacy students prepping for pharmacy residency interviews. It was a blast. We were told to ask situational based questions like, “Tell me about a time when…” One of the questions I asked was, “What is your biggest failure to date and how didContinue reading “I am GREATER THAN not failing”

I am GREATER THAN only having a S.M.A.R.T. goal

Are you a dreamer? A goal-getter? Do you have big aspirations? Chances are you answered yes to at least one of those questions. Even if you didn’t, don’t go anywhere because I bet you’ve still heard about the topic we’re covering today. You’ve probably guessed it by now, goal setting. Now, if you’ve been withContinue reading “I am GREATER THAN only having a S.M.A.R.T. goal”

I am GREATER THAN not leaning into my superpowers

As much as I would love to have the powers of Wanda Maximoff or Carol Danvers (Marvel nerd here), I do not. (Curses that I don’t live in the MCU or maybe not because no attacks from the big three: aliens, wizards, or androids–it just depends on how you spin it.) I digress, but theContinue reading “I am GREATER THAN not leaning into my superpowers”

I am GREATER THAN always being okay

Rachel Hollis may have some of my favorite podcasts. She recently interviewed Brad Paisley, and this country music fan was swoon. Brad’s voice is lovely. He appears to me to be just a normal, down-to-earth guy with a vast knowledge of music. On the podcast he was sharing his top  women of country music. OfContinue reading “I am GREATER THAN always being okay”

I am GREATER THAN not resting

Let’s set the mood. Dimly lit bathroom with your favorite candles all around filling the room with scents of a lavender field, soft and sweet relaxing music plays, a huge soaker tub filled with luscious bubbles and bath salts, a bathtub caddy sits with delicate flowers, a glass of your favorite beverage, and a delightfulContinue reading “I am GREATER THAN not resting”

I am GREATER THAN not trying something new

I care what people think about me. I just do. I have accepted that I will never be the person that says, “I don’t care what anyone thinks.” I will be the person that choses whose opinion is worth listening to and whose opinion doesn’t matter. I say this all because trying something new isContinue reading “I am GREATER THAN not trying something new”

I am GREATER THAN being an unhealthy 3

Okay, so if you have been with me for some time, you’ve heard me talk about the enneagram. Today is the day to dive into my enneagram type, type 3. Before we start, let me give you a 1000 ft overview of the enneagram. It is unlike other personality tests that focus on behaviors. Instead,Continue reading “I am GREATER THAN being an unhealthy 3”

I am GREATER THAN not calling on my alter egos

My husband and I love Marvel!  I can’t say we have read the comic books, but it is likely on the horizon. Are we nerds? Likely yes. Do we care? Heck no. The stories are just too good. I recently started watching the “Behind the Mask” documentary on Disney+ and the first 15 minutes rangContinue reading “I am GREATER THAN not calling on my alter egos”