I am GREATER THAN not trying something new

I care what people think about me. I just do. I have accepted that I will never be the person that says, “I don’t care what anyone thinks.” I will be the person that choses whose opinion is worth listening to and whose opinion doesn’t matter. I say this all because trying something new is scary. If you’re like me at all, you may currently or in the past think, “What will people think of me if I suck?” Well you know what, when trying something new, you’re probably going to suck.

Yep, tough love coming at ya here. Why? Because it is what I needed to hear. Of course you’re not going to be amazing right away. You’ve never done it before so you don’t yet have the skills to be good. Example: Nate’s best friend was always talking up pottery and how he loves this hobby. I thought I’m creative, and I’ve seen Ghost. Yes, that is sexy-let’s do that for our 2020 Valentines Day date. Well friends, I’m here to tell you pottery is hard. Both Nate and I sucked at it..maybe if Patrick Swayze could have been there it would have been better? But we laughed at our experience and decided that pottery can remain Nate’s best friend’s talent–we will stick to ours. What if we didn’t try though? 1) I’d always wonder if I had a hidden talent of. potter. 2) we wouldn’t have little white bowls for loose change (very convenient). 3) We would not have created fun memories together or have a deep appreciation for potters.

Another example? I recently started to work on an iPad with my calligraphy skills to create digital artwork. I follow several accounts on Instagram. I wondered if I could achieve it. I mean my calligraphy skills developed over time, surely it would be easier digitally with the use of a stylist, but I potentially have a large gap and what if I’m not good like the people on Instagram? Well, I took the leap and started using Procreate-an art app. Guess what? My first pieces were terrible. Not at all the quality I see on social. Was it a bit deflating? Yes, but anyone who said I wasn’t good also wasn’t trying or compared me to other artists that have been using the app for years. Should we be at the same level? Heck no! If I let fear and the comparison game keep me from trying, I’d be missing out right now on a relaxing and joyful creative outlet that could or could not lead to something in the future.

These are all positive examples, but I have things I’ve never tired because of my fear of being downright awful at them and people making fun of me like church league softball–still one I’m working on overcoming if I’m being brutally honest.

So as Babe Ruth once said, “Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” What fear is holding you back? What do you need to try even if you fail that with either outcome will propel you forward? By doing so you’ll either find something that is right for you or something that is not right for you. Both of those are valuable pieces of knowledge to have.

“Failure is so important. We speak about success all the time. It is the ability to resist failure or use failure that often leads to greater success. I’ve met people who don’t want to try for fear of failing.” 

– J.K. Rowling

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